Amanda's DMA Blog

Monday, November 20, 2006

I went and listened to Michael Spooner talk about his artwork from Treasure Planet. I have not seen the movie but after the show I really want to. The artwork was amazing. During his talk Michael talked about people who would go into animation, people who loved art. All my life, I have loved art. I have discovered that if I do not have a creative outlet I will go crazy. However, I am not that good of an artist, I know and accept that. I know that I will never be able to just sell my art. Even if I was the best artist in the world the art world is incredibly difficult to get into. This is why I have had so much trouble picking a major, and why I have continued to worry about it. The thing that I really love is art, but I know that I can’t have a career in just art. I know it, and my mom has mentioned it more than once. I know that money is necessary for future livelihood, but I don’t believe that it should be the sole, or even main reason, to choose a job. I actually do not really see myself using my degree in my future as a career. I imagine that it will more than likely be a hobby, or a side job for a little extra money, or possibly as a volunteer service for my church, I don’t know. But what I really want to do does not require a major. I eventually want to be a wife and a mother (this is the abridged version, there is more involved) and there is no mothering degree. No I am not here for my Mrs. Degree either. I am here to get a quality education, because I believe that education is important. Education is the cornerstone of our society and I would like to get the best education that I can. I would also like to take advantage of this opportunity, a paid for chance to do what I want and learn what I have always wanted to. Besides the core classes, and the classes for my major, I am taking any classes that look interesting to me. This is my plan for now. I had been thinking about this for a while but hearing Michael talk about his job helped cement it in my mind.


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