Amanda's DMA Blog

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ok now that I've fully expounded on my reasons of why I don't post I suppose that I should post somemore just to confuse people. (If this doesn't make sense to you read my previous post).

On the topic of Gisele Kerozene. I didn't like it. I thought that the flying part wwas kind of cool, and if I had a chance I would probably try that myself, but the rest of it I did not like. Maybe I am taking it too seriously, but this is my opinion space so bear with me. Although if you have a differing opinion you can obviously post it on my comments. *On an unrelated sidenote my views of opinions. I am not threatened by other peoples opinions because I know what mine are and why I believe them. This is not to say that I won't change them if I find a better view, but that I do not mind hearing others opinions because I know what mine are. Of course if someone personally attacks me with their opinion that is another story, but this is a long enough sidenote as it is.* Back to the film. The reason that I did not like Gisele Kerozene is because it was violent, I can hear you guys howling now but it's true. I am offended by that type of violence. This is somewhat odd because I watched the first Matrix movie and I was fine with that but I had a problem with Gisele Kerozene. In case anyone is wondering I did have a problem with the second and third Matrix movies. In the second one though it was the ghost thing that bothered me. In Gisele Kerozene it was mostly the blood that bothered me. It was presented in a way that turned my stomach.
I also did not like the story. It did not seem to really have much of a plot. A bunch of weird guys dressed up as witches and worshiped something, another weird witch guy stole the worshiped article. The first wierd witch guys go after him and a bloody chase ensues with weird witch guys getting beat up a lot along the way. Finally the later weird witch guy simply gives the worshiped object back to the former weird witch guys and rides away laughing. Did I get it right? It has been a while since we watched that, but I think that I got the basic outline. So my point is that it did not have a point. The film was pointless and not truly funny, so I'm not entirely sure why we watched it except maybe to see weird (yes I like that word a lot), amatuer filmaking that some of us will not want to emulate.


  • At 9:30 AM, Blogger Caitlynn said…

    I can understand your view on Gisele Kerozene. I laughed, but there were definitely some parts that made me feel a little uncomfortable, and I probably shouldn't have been so quick to ignore that.


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