Amanda's DMA Blog

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I'm sitting here doing nothing (well facebooking) so I thought that I might as well post something and get some homework in. Who else thinks that next time Leeper should have this project on facebook? I am so obsessed with facebook now :)

Well anyways back to the class, a while ago Leeper said something about people who have not posted a lot and I just wanted to respond to that a little. As you can see from looking at my blog that I only have 3 posts before this one so obviously I am one of those people who has not posted a lot. Leepeer said that those of us who have not posted a lot are Lazy and I wish to refute that statement. Although I can only defend myself so much because some of it is not laziness,but I wish to state the non-lazy reasons that I have for not posting.

One is that I am busy, I have more pressing homework. This only goes so far because I do have free time, but I also believe that we need free time so that we don't go crazy. But I do have time that I could spend blogging without going crazy and I do not, for this I am sorry.
The second reason is that my mind does not include blogging as homework. I simply do not think about blogging when I think about homework. I even have it written down with my assignments and still I do not think about it, I do not know why.
The third reason is that I do not have a lot to say. Sure I could talk about each individual film, but usually I do not say 300-500 words about each. The word constraint thing really brings me down. I actually have to count to make sure that I have enough to submit, so that I will not be counted off. Now I don't go through and count every word I just get the basic idea. Did you know that each line of text has aproximately 15 words?
The forth reason is that it is so time consuming, this applies to writing a little but more to reading other people's blogs. I have not actually gotten through reading the firsts of everyone's blogs. I tried the other day but I had to stop smoewhere around the M's. On a side note I do not think that I have everyone's links on my page. Will you please look at my list and if you see that I am missing anyone please email me the address.
The fifth reason is that it is so adictive. This also applies more to reading other people's blogs. If I get started I do not want to stop. This is bad when I have other homework that I need to be doing and I put it off to read people's blogs.

Well that is all of my "good " reasons that I can think of for now. This post was actually fun to write. Most of it, while true, was written in jest, so I hope I get some good laughs. And I'm sure that some of you can identify with my "plight". By the way the picture has nothing to do with this except that when I typed laziness into Google it came up and I thought it looked cool.


  • At 9:28 AM, Blogger Caitlynn said…

    Hmm...facebook, livejournal...and I'm gonna go ahead and add in Xanga as another alternative to Blogger. Blogger frustrates me. It frequently has issues with pictures and posting in general, and since I do a lot of blogging, I get frustrated with it quite a bit. :P

    I can understand what you mean about not thinking of blogging as homework, because I kinda think the same way. There's no set deadline for when we have to have another post up, so it requires me to be more active in telling myself to get it done. Plus, for me, blogging is something really addictive, and so once I get going with it I can kill hours on it. Which is bad, especially considering all the other homework I have that is more--shall we say--urgent?

  • At 9:32 AM, Blogger Caitlynn said…

    Oh, and also, about the word count issue...I find that usually when I'm just posting about a film, the word count can be a little difficult, because I don't usually have much to say about the technical aspects of anything or things like that. It's controversy that makes for a really interesting (and long!) post, however. lol


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