When Life Departs
I thought that this was a very cute, sweet movie. Even though the kids didn't always have it right, they were very sincere. I felt for them. I thought that it was cute when one little kid described God as an old king. The concepts of God, and going to heaven, and dying are very difficult. They are hard for adults to understand, and even harder for kids. I think that the film did a very good job in addressing the issue.
Little Dog Turpine
I think that is what it was called. The one about the dog who barked at night when the burglars came. But when the old man woke up the burglars were gone, so he punished the dog by cutting off his tail. It happened again and the old man ended up completely chopping up the dog and hanging the parts on the window. The burglars come back and the dog cannot frighten them off so they steal the old lady. The old man puts the dog back together and he goes to save the lady. He lets the lady out and hides in the bag, and then when the burglars come back he eats them. And the old man takes their parts and hangs them out the window. Oh and I forgot the burglars kept imagining the old people as turkeys to be eaten.
This movie was incredibly disturbing. I hope that the intended audience is not children. I would never show this to my kids (if I had any). It is disgusting. And what is the point? It did not have a specific theme that you can point at and say, look past the violence and see the good message. There is nothing. There is no point. I do not know why we watched the movie.
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