I do not understand Leeper. I do not know why he (you) has such a problem with mainstream movies. I like today's movies. I like a lot of them. That is the type of movies I want to make. I think that it would be totally awesome to work for Disney, or Disney Channel. That is what I would really like to do. I do not have a problem with this stuff and I do not know why he bashes it all the time. He also seems to have a fixation with low budget films. Yes, some of the stuff is really good, but there is a lot of weird stuff in it too. Most of it I would not pay to go see. And what is wrong with money as a measuring stick? The ammount of money people spend on a movie shows how much they liked it. Shouldn't we make movies that people like? Isn't that the nature of the entertainment business? Why does entertainment have to have a message? Some of it can, but it doesn't have to. We go to movies to be entertained not to be preached to. By the way Leeper I love this class and our discussions, I don't want to change it, just understand it.
Well done with ranting, I suppose I should talk about a movie now.
A ninja paid half my rent.
I kinda liked this movie. I thought it was entertaining. It was ainteresting idea. I don't actually have much to say about this movie. I just need to get some more words in here so that this blog is long enough. (I Hate the word count!) But I really did enjoy the movie, although it was kinda pointless too.
Well done with ranting, I suppose I should talk about a movie now.
A ninja paid half my rent.
I kinda liked this movie. I thought it was entertaining. It was ainteresting idea. I don't actually have much to say about this movie. I just need to get some more words in here so that this blog is long enough. (I Hate the word count!) But I really did enjoy the movie, although it was kinda pointless too.
At 6:49 AM, Peter Ahlersmeyer said…
Prof as well as most others hate mainstream movies for the fact that they are destroying the ART of filmmaking. Filmmaking is an artform, it is not made the being entertaining.
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