Amanda's DMA Blog

Friday, October 06, 2006

Now lets get into some controversy: Star Wars.
But first I must talk about the film that we watched in class. Caitlynn said that it is called Loose ends. I liked this film. It was cute. It didn't have much of a story line except two guys arguing about whether they liked the new star wars movie or not. One guy was totally for anything that George Lucas puts up on the screen. The other guy Didn't like the new one as much as he liked the old one. The end ofup fighting physically (so typically guys) and a hitchhiker steals their car. Then they get picked up by simeone who starts the discussion again. Although the movie is rather pointless it does have some good friendship scenes. I liked the part near the end where the gung-ho George Lucas guy offered the other guy a pez and the other guy accepted it. This was a small touching point.

Now on to the actual Star Wars. I am probably opposite to just about everyone in the class. I liked the new Star Wars, and I did not like the old Star Wars. I'm sure they were entertaining for their time, but now they are a little out of date. I don't really like old movies. I am more of a now-a-days girl. It seems like most old movies have less interesting plot and dialogue than we have now. Maybe it is just because I am not from that time, and I do not understand their concerns. Or maybe it is because they did not have the equipment that we have now and I like our special effects. I do not know. I just know that I don't like old movies, including the old star wars, and I do like new movies, including the new Star Wars.

Oh and completely unrelated but fun. I found out today that I am not shy. If you want to know more about it read my facebook notes.


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