Amanda's DMA Blog

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Video Art post 1

We watched some video art in class. I have been reading people’s blogs and it looks like most of us (or at least the us that wrote about it) agree that video art is not for us. We don’t really want to make it or even watch it. I don’t know I wasn’t particularily fond of the stuff that we watched in class. I do not have any problem with seeing myself as an artist. In fact art is really more my field of interest. I am mostly in Animation because it is art that I could be paid for. (This is discussed more in my spooner blog) So I do not see why all videos are not art. Either they all are or they all are not. They all have the same basic elements. You can’t coral some and say this is real art, that is degrading to the people who make the other types of videos.

The first one we watched I think was the one with the lady floating in the water. Leeper said that it was very peaceful and then the oil made it creepy, or something like that. But that is not the feeling that I had. I did not see it as beautiful or clean. I was pretty much creeped out the whole time. I mean there was a lady floating in the water. Usually someone floating in the water signifies drowning and death, which I have to say is creepy. So the oil in the water just kinda fit in for me. I mean a lady floating in the water, why not have a pool of oil engulf her, it all fits together.

I found the piece with all the people marching across the screen rather boring. It really did not improve from the first showing. The only thing that I really noticed is that the puppets that they used were similar to the puppet s we made for our project.


  • At 4:24 PM, Blogger Aaron Deal said…

    oil? i don't remember oil. but yeah, maybe. and i wasn't really creeped out the whole time-> i thought it might've been in some tropical paradise place, and i thought someone was swimming, so yeah i wasn't creeped until lady in red dress finally appeared on the screen.

  • At 3:12 PM, Blogger Caitlynn said…

    I was actually a little creeped out from the start, too, but I think that came more from my expectations rather than how it started. Because it was related to AIDS awareness, and Leeper was showing it to us in class, I think I pretty much automatically expected something creepy to happen.


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