Girl vs. World
This film is about a girl who is frumpy and unpopular. Then as the story goes along she starts changing herself and she becomes more popular. I am not entirely certain which came first. I’m not sure if she changed herself to become popular and it worked, or if she became popular and changed herself because she liked herself more that way. Or maybe they happened at the same time, she started changing herself because she didn’t like the way she was, and found that she liked her new self, and people saw how confident and happy she was and wanted to be her friend. I tend to think that it is the later because she genuinely seemed happier with herself, and I think that other people responded to that. And actually when she became popular I think she went out and found the friends herself, because she was confident enough to. This is actually a good lesson for most of us to learn, not that you have to change yourself, but that you have to be more confident in yourself. People like to be around other people who are confident and happy with themselves. People who are not happy, are mad or depressed or whatever, are not fun to be around. Who wants to be yelled at or depressed all the time? I realized this one time, I was thinking about the people around me, and the ones I like to hang out with, and the people that I like to be around are the happy people. The ones who make me laugh, the ones who are cheerful, and crazy. The ones who know that this life is short, and instead of being depressed by that fact, decide to live life to the fullest. The one’s who do not get mad at you for every little thing. When I realized that these are the type of people that I like to be around, I realized that these type of people would most likely like to be around that type of person too. So I changed myself a little, I tried to be more happy. I used to grumpy quite a bit, but I stopped that, and I am happier with myself now.
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